When bankruptcy is the best way forward

As interest rates and debt levels rise, many individuals and small business owners are feeling the pinch. Most will make it through with some belt-tightening, but some may need to take further action.

As a last resort, a debt agreement or bankruptcy may be an option. But what are the implications?

Solutions to financial pressure

There are many reasons consumers and businesses are finding it harder to pay their bills, with pandemic closures, natural disasters and now an energy crisis piling on the pressure.

Figures from the Australian Financial Security Authority (AFSA) show in April 2022 there were 700 new personal insolvencies across the country, with the majority (61.4 per cent) being bankruptcies. Within these, 37.7 per cent were business-related bankruptcies.

But bankruptcy is not the only option. If you find yourself unable to pay your debts, you can also consider making a debt agreement, a personal insolvency agreement, or seeking temporary debt protection (TDP).

A TDP prevents creditors from seizing your assets or wages and gives you time to seek advice, while the other formal insolvency options (such as debt and personal insolvency agreements) are a longer-term answer for pressing financial problems.

Debt and declaring bankruptcy

The best-known formal insolvency option is bankruptcy. This is a legal process where you are released from most of your debts and can make a fresh start with your finances.

In 2020-21, around 6,800 Australians declared bankruptcy. This was 46.7 per cent down on the previous year, due largely to the special debt forgiveness rules in place due to COVID-19.

Although bankruptcy is tempting when you or your business are drowning in unpaid bills, it’s a serious step so please speak to us to understand the consequences before taking any action.

Once you file for bankruptcy, a Trustee is appointed to manage your ‘bankrupt estate’ and dispose of assets to pay your debts. If you earn over a set amount during your bankruptcy, you may be required to make compulsory ‘contributions’ from your income to your Trustee.

Impact of bankruptcy

Bankruptcy has serious consequences. Your name will permanently appear on the National Personal Insolvency Index, which is likely to affect your ability to obtain credit in the future. When applying, you must inform any credit provider you are bankrupt and credit reporting agencies will keep a record of your bankruptcy for five years from the date you become bankrupt.

You are required to request written permission from your Trustee to travel overseas, even if it’s for work. Travelling without permission could extend your bankruptcy or result in a prison sentence.

Bankruptcy doesn’t stop you from working and normally the AFSA doesn’t inform your employer, but there are limitations when operating as a sole trader. Court permission is required to be a company director or manage a company.

Your Trustee may sell your assets to help repay your debts, although you are able to keep ordinary household goods, tools up to a set amount used to earn your income and vehicles valued under a threshold.

Recoverable debts

Once you are discharged from bankruptcy (which usually lasts for three years and one day), your creditors can’t recover any remaining pre-bankruptcy debts.

Bankruptcy doesn’t, however, release you from all your debts. If you have secured debts (such as a mortgage over your home), creditors have the right to take possession of your property even if you are in bankruptcy.

While most unsecured debts (such as credit cards, personal and pay day loans, utility bills and unpaid rent) are covered by bankruptcy, some debts must be paid. These include court-imposed penalties, child support and debts incurred after your bankruptcy starts.

Tax and bankruptcy

If you declare bankruptcy, you still need to lodge a tax return and outstanding personal returns and Business Activity Statements must be filed.

The ATO ranks equally with other unsecured creditors, so if it’s one of your creditors, your Trustee will not necessarily pay this debt first. The only priority tax claims are unpaid Superannuation Guarantee Charge (SGC) debts if you have employees.

If your Trustee decides to sell some of your assets to clear your debts, this may create a capital gain or loss and the CGT event must be recorded in your annual tax return. The ATO may also offset any tax refunds you become entitled to against any tax, child support or family assistance debts.

If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact your adviser to discuss your options via email or call us on 03 5120 1400.

Source: Australian Financial Security Authority

Material contained in this publication is a summary only and is based on information believed to be reliable and received from sources within the market. It is not the intention of RGM Financial Planners Pty Ltd ABN 36 419 582 Australian Financial Services Licence Number 229471, RGM Accountants & Advisors Pty Ltd ABN 69 528 723 510 that this publication be used as the primary source of readers’ information but as an adjunct to their own resources and training. No representation is given, warranty made or responsibility taken as to the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of any information or recommendation contained in this publication and RGM and its related bodies corporate will not be liable to the reader in contract or tort (including for negligence) or otherwise for any loss or damage arising as a result of the reader relying on any such information or recommendation (except in so far as any statutory liability cannot be excluded).

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

5 Signs of a well run business

Every small business owner wants their business to thrive, but it can be tough to keep the money coming in the door while staying on top of all the necessary paperwork.

One way to ensure success is to understand the behaviours that separate a well-managed business from one that’s just muddling through.

Surprising as it may sound, the ATO is keen to help small business owners prosper and to share its insights on running a successful business.

Getting the basics right

Since it’s charged with keeping an eye on almost four million Aussie small businesses, the tax regulator is well placed to know what works and what doesn’t when it comes to keeping the doors open.

According to the ATO, when a small business is operating well, it tends to get the basics right. That means keeping good records and having in place effective tools so you can easily reconcile your business’s income and expenses.

1. Keep informed

The ATO finds business owners who are operating effectively take the time to understand their tax and super obligations and to keep on top of any changes affecting their business’s processes.

2. Know your cash flow

Small businesses that are well managed use a cash flow projection or budget tool, as this is the main reason small businesses fail. If you don’t have clear insights into your cash flow position and are not carefully managing the business’s income and expenses, it can be a recipe for trouble.

If you are using cloud-based accounting software, cashflows and budgets can be easily integrated into your everyday reports. Get in touch with us on our contact page if you need any guidance to assist with the implementation of cash flows and budgets in your software.

3. Declare all income

Well-run businesses declare all their income – including any cash income – in their income tax return. Although it’s the ATO’s job to collect tax, it argues small businesses not declaring all their income are heading for trouble down the track.

4. Split your expenses

It’s important to carefully apportion (or split) your business expenses between private and business use.

5. Keep up to date

The final marker of a well-run business is that all its details are up to date – particularly with the ATO. That means keeping your ABN details, contact information and bank details current and easy to find.

Although many of these indicators are straightforward, it’s surprising how many small businesses don’t take these simple actions.

Behaviours to avoid

Just as there are habits that mark a well-run business, there are behaviours common to operations heading for trouble.

Businesses that omit income by depositing it into private accounts or mortgages, or that don’t declare cash sales or record director’s fees correctly, are not on top of things.

The same goes for failing to account correctly for private use of business assets or funds. If you are claiming an excessive business portion of an expense with both personal and business use, it’s a sign of poor management. As is claiming private expenses as a business expense, or not having the necessary records to substantiate your claims.

Making errors because you don’t understand your tax responsibilities is also a sign that things are not being well-run.

Bring in the professionals

With so many rules and regulations, it’s not surprising that business owners may occasionally overlook some of their obligations. There is an easy solution though.

Well-run small businesses seek professional advice when they need it. We can work with you to improve your business overall, not just to meet your tax obligations.

In fact, the ATO’s 2017-18 research and audit work with around 120,000 small businesses indicated that those who have regular contact with a tax professional are more likely to report correctly.

ATO deputy commissioner for small business, Deborah Jenkins recently gave her top three tips for effectively managing your business: maintain good business records, keep an eye on your competition using the ATO’s Small Business Benchmarks and take care of your mental health because running a small business can be very stressful.

If you think your business could do with a financial tune-up, give us a call today on 03 5120 1400.

Material contained in this publication is a summary only and is based on information believed to be reliable and received from sources within the market. It is not the intention of RGM Financial Planners Pty Ltd ABN 36 419 582 Australian Financial Services Licence Number 229471, RGM Accountants & Advisors Pty Ltd ABN 69 528 723 510 that this publication be used as the primary source of readers’ information but as an adjunct to their own resources and training. No representation is given, warranty made or responsibility taken as to the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of any information or recommendation contained in this publication and RGM and its related bodies corporate will not be liable to the reader in contract or tort (including for negligence) or otherwise for any loss or damage arising as a result of the reader relying on any such information or recommendation (except in so far as any statutory liability cannot be excluded).

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Single Touch Payroll – Changes ahead

Just when you thought you had all your systems bedded down for Single Touch Payroll (STP), the government is expanding the information on employee payments you need to provide.

So, what will the changes mean for your small business?

STP reporting to expand

Under the current STP rules, employers are required to report payroll information to the ATO each time they pay an employee salary or wages, pay-as-you-go (PAYG) withholding or superannuation.

In the 2019-20 Federal Budget, the government announced an expansion of the data it collected through the STP system starting from 1 January 2022.

The change is called STP Phase 2 and under the new rules, employers will be required to report additional information on or before each pay day.

According to the government, the aim of STP Phase 2 is to “reduce the reporting burden for employers who need to report information about their employees to multiple government agencies”.

The additional data collected from 1 January 2022 will also be used in the administration of the social security system.

New STP Phase 2 requirements

The key changes in your reporting include providing extra information on the employment basis for each of your employees (full-time, part-time or casual).

You will also need to provide information on the tax treatment of their salary. This is to help the ATO identify the factors influencing how you calculated your employee’s PAYG withholding. For instance, where your employee has notified you that they have a Study Training Support Loan.

When an employee ceases employment, you will now need to provide information on the reason, for example, voluntary separation, redundancy or due to illness. This will remove the need for you to provide former employees with separation certificates.

Phase 2 also gives you the option to include child support garnishees and child support deductions in your STP report, reducing the requirement to provide a separate remittance advice report to the Child Support Registrar.

More detailed information

Reporting of income types and country codes is also being introduced with STP Phase 2 to help the ATO identify employee payments with specific tax consequences. The government believes this will allow your employees to complete their personal tax returns more easily.

A significant change with Phase 2 will be the new requirement to separately itemise the components of any gross payment amounts such as bonuses and commissions, directors’ fees, paid leave, salary sacrifice, overtime and allowances.

Allowances will need to be reported separately, not just expense allowances that may be deductible for your employees. Any lump sum payments you make to employees need to be reported under new labels.

Although you need to provide additional information in your STP reports, the way you submit the report, due dates and types of payments covered in your reports will stay the same. Your tax and super obligations and the requirements for end of year finalisation will also stay the same.

Benefits from the STP expansion

The government claims employers will receive a number of benefits from the introduction of STP Phase 2.

A key one is a reduction in the duplicate information you are required to provide to different government agencies, reducing unnecessary interactions with these departments.

You will also no longer be required to send tax file number (TFN) and withholding declaration information to the ATO, as this will be captured in the employment conditions section of your STP report.

By more clearly defining the components making up an employee’s gross income, the government says it will be easier for employers to understand their various obligations.

Assistance with new reporting requirements

The government is working closely with digital service providers to ensure they update their software, so it is ready to commence collecting the additional information from 1 January 2022.

The specific information your business needs to provide for STP Phase 2 depends on the particular software product you use, and how you manage your payroll.

Contact us on 03 5120 1400 if you would like more information or help transitioning your business to the new STP requirements.

Material contained in this publication is a summary only and is based on information believed to be reliable and received from sources within the market. It is not the intention of RGM Financial Planners Pty Ltd ABN 36 419 582 Australian Financial Services Licence Number 229471, RGM Accountants & Advisors Pty Ltd ABN 69 528 723 510 that this publication be used as the primary source of readers’ information but as an adjunct to their own resources and training. No representation is given, warranty made or responsibility taken as to the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of any information or recommendation contained in this publication and RGM and its related bodies corporate will not be liable to the reader in contract or tort (including for negligence) or otherwise for any loss or damage arising as a result of the reader relying on any such information or recommendation (except in so far as any statutory liability cannot be excluded).

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.