Run2Cure by Gabriel Guppy
On Friday the 18th of November I set out to run 100km around the local Yarragon Football oval to help raise awareness and funds for Neuroblastoma, a cancer affecting young children of which on average are just 2 years of age,
Our family has been affected by this terrible cancer with my nephew being diagnosed with stage 4 Neuroblastoma at 8 weeks old, thankfully he has been in remission for two years.
Throughout the day 20-30 people took part running lap after lap in the rain and many PB’s were achieved which made the km’s tick over much quicker,
My nephew and his brother were able to come along for the final few laps to run them with me,
Almost $3,000 was raised to add to Paddy’s tally by the end of the run.

QR code for donations

Paddy (Left) and his big brother Harry (Right)