Caught in the middle: help for the sandwich generation

If you are feeling a bit like the meat in the sandwich you are not alone. The ‘sandwich generation’ is a growing social phenomenon that impacts people from all walks of life, describing those at a stage of their lives where they are caring for their offspring as well as their elderly parents.

The phenomenon is gathering momentum as we are tending to live longer and have kids later. It even encompasses royalty – Prince William has been dealing with a sick father while juggling school aged kids (as well as a partner dealing with serious health issues).

A growing phenomenon

The number of people forming part of the sandwich generation has grown since the term was first coined in the 1980’s, as we tend to live longer and have kids later. It is estimated that as many as 5% of Australians are currently juggling caring responsibilities which has implications for family dynamics, incomes, retirement and even the economy.i

Like many other countries, the number of older Australians is growing both in number and as a percentage of the population. By 2026, more than 22 percent of Australians will be aged over 65 – up from 16 percent in 2020.ii It is also becoming more common for aging parents to rely on their adult children for assistance when living independently becomes challenging.

The other piece of bread in the sandwich is that as a society we are caring for kids later in life. The median age of all women giving birth increased by three years over two decades.iii

And with young people staying in the family home well into their twenties, we are certainly supporting our children for longer. Even after the kids leave the nest, it’s also common for parents to become involved in looking after grandchildren.

Taking its toll on carers

While we want to support our loved ones, when that support is required constantly and intensively for both parts of the family, it can mean that something has to give and that ‘something’ is often the carer’s well-being.

Even if you are not part of the sandwich generation but being squeezed at either end – caring for kids or parents, acting as a primary care-giver often requires you to provide physical, emotional, and financial support. It’s common to feel it take a toll on your own emotional and physical health, and sometimes your finances as you sacrifice some of your savings or paid work to help your loved ones.

Support for caregivers

It can be difficult to acknowledge you need assistance but there are a number of ways you can access help.

Deciding what to get help with

It can feel like there is not enough hours in the day and that’s overwhelming. Try to think about what you really need to do and where your time is best spent and consider if you can get assistance with tasks or duties you don’t have to do. This may mean outsourcing things like buying a healthy meal instead of cooking or getting a hand with gardening or lawn mowing.

Think about what others could assist with to lighten and share your load.

Accessing support

There are also support networks out there that exist to take off some of the pressure. Reach out to local support networks via Carers Australia for help identifying mainstream and community supports.

You or your loved ones may also be entitled to government support, under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) or My Aged Care. These programs provide funding and resources to help pay for essential care; from domestic assistance with cleaning and cooking, to home modifications, to 24-hour care for those who require more support.

The importance of self-care

It’s vital to take some time out for yourself and make your own wellbeing a priority. Don’t feel that it’s selfish to take care of your own needs as that’s an essential part of being a carer. Resources like respite care and getting support when needed is an important gateway to self-care.

Managing your finances

Caregiving can put financial pressure on the whole household and has the potential to impact retirement savings. The assistance of a trusted professional can help, and we are here if you need a hand.

Raising kids as well as supporting parents to live their best lives as they age is becoming more common and can be a challenging time of life. While the act of caring is the ultimate act of kindness – the most important thing to remember is to be kind to yourself.

Which business structure is best?

A catchy business name, a trustworthy brand and an engaging website or social media presence are all vital to any small business. But don’t underestimate the effect of the business structure.

Choosing whether to operate as a sole trader, company, partnership or trust depends on many factors including cost, the size of the business, whether you have dependants and family members to share income with, and the degree of financial or legal risk involved in running the business.

Sole trader

Many small operators start out as a sole trader, and some decide to continue with this structure.

On the positive side, it’s easy to set it up and, with fewer business reporting obligations, it’s cheaper to run than other business structures.

There are one or two considerations that, depending on your circumstances, could mean a sole trader structure doesn’t work for you.

One of these is the extent of your liability if things go wrong. When you’re a sole trader your liability is unlimited, meaning your assets are at risk in the case of legal action. Some businesses may consider their risk to be too low to warrant changing the business structure or they may choose to find an insurance product to provide some protection.

Tax is another consideration. Among other issues, as a sole trader, you’re liable to pay tax on all income received by the business and you can’t split profits or losses with family members.i


Two or more people can form a business partnership and distribute business income among themselves.

Like a sole trader structure, a partnership structure can be slightly cheaper to operate because there are minimal reporting requirements.

All partners are liable for all the debts and obligations of the business although there are different types of partnerships that vary liability among the partners.

For tax purposes, each partner reports their share of the partnership income or loss in their own return and pays tax on any income. Partners cannot claim a deduction for any money they withdraw from the business. Amounts taken from a partnership are not considered wages for tax purposes.ii


A company structure has a number of advantages over a sole trader or partnership structure, but it costs more to set up and operate and there are more reporting requirements.

A company is considered a separate legal entity and has its own tax and superannuation obligations, but company directors have a number of legal responsibilities.

Companies pay an annual fee to be registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and they usually cost more to put together the necessary annual accounts and tax return.

On the plus side, you will be able to employ yourself and claim a tax deduction for your wages.

But be aware of the Personal Services Income (PSI) rules. If more than 50 per cent of the income of the business is produced by your personal exertion, it’s considered PSI and you will pay tax at your marginal rate, rather than the lower company tax rate. This rule affects taxpayers with any business structure.


A trust is the most expensive and complex business structure to operate but it might be the most appropriate for your needs.

There are some pluses and minuses so expert advice from your accountant and lawyer is crucial. You will need help to decide on the type of trust, to set up a formal trust deed and to carry out annual administrative tasks.

On the positive side, there may be tax advantages and there are some protections from financial and legal liability.

On the flip side, all income earned must be distributed to beneficiaries each year otherwise tax is paid at the highest marginal rate. Also, losses can’t be distributed to beneficiaries, it may be difficult to dissolve or change elements of a trust and it may be more difficult to borrow funds.

Ask for guidance

The importance of choosing the best business structure for your needs and understanding the regulatory requirements is crucial to the success of any small business. Check in with us for expert guidance.

Sole trader |
ii Business structures – key tax obligations | Australian Taxation Office (

Tax update September 2024

New deductions and employer obligations

Employers need to check that payroll systems reflect recent legislative changes, and the ATO is highlighting deduction opportunities available to some small businesses. Here’s your roundup of the latest tax news.

Updated employer obligations

The ATO is reminding employers to stay on top of legislative changes affecting payroll systems.

The Super Guarantee rate increased on 1 July 2024 to 11.5 per cent of ordinary times earnings, so all payments (starting with those for the July to September quarter) to super accounts for eligible workers must reflect the new rate.i

Individual income tax rate thresholds and tax tables changed also changed on 1 July 2024 so you may need to check calculations for your Pay As You Go Withholding obligations.

Claims for energy expenses

Many small business are eligible for a bonus 20 per cent tax deduction for new assets (or improvements to existing assets), that support more efficient energy usage.

The Small Business Energy Incentive applies to eligible assets first used or installed ready for use between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024.ii

Eligible expenditure for external training courses for employees incurred between 29 March 2022 and 30 June 2024 could also qualify for a 20 per cent bonus tax deduction from the Small Business Skills and Training Boost.iii

Pay less capital gains tax (CGT)

While a business can reduce capital gains made during a tax year by offsetting them with capital losses from the same or previous income years, not all capital losses are eligible.iv

Capital losses carried forward from previous years need to be used first, with losses from collectables (such as artwork and antiques) only permitted to be offset against capital gains from collectables.

Losses from personal use assets (such as boats or furniture), CGT exempt assets (such as cars and motorcycles), paying personal services income to yourself through an entity you set up, and leases producing income (such as commercial rental property), are ineligible as offsets.

Fuel tax credit rates change

Before claiming fuel tax credits in your next Business Activity Statement (BAS), check you are using the latest rates as they have changed twice in the new financial year.v

On 1 July 2024, the rate for heavy vehicles travelling on public roads changed due to an increase in the road user charge, with the rate altering again on 5 August 2024 due to a change in fuel excise indexation.

Different rates apply based on when you acquired fuel for your business’ use, so ensure you use the correct rate. If you are unsure, try the ATO’s online Fuel Tax Credit Calculator to work out the amount to report in your BAS.

Records essential for rental expense claims

Rental property investors without correct documentation to substantiate their expense deductions may find their claims declared

The ATO is warning investors they need all receipts, invoices and bank statements plus details of how deductions were calculated and apportioned for a valid claim.

Lodging a ‘nil’ BAS

While taxpayers registered for GST automatically receive a Business Activity Statement and are required to lodge and pay in full by the due date, businesses with nothing to report are still required to lodge.

If you have paused your business, you are required to lodge a ‘nil’ BAS by the due date either online or via the ATO’s automated phone service.vii

How much super to pay | Australian Taxation Office (

ii Small business energy incentive | Australian Taxation Office (

iii Small business skills and training boost | Australian Taxation Office (

iv Pay less capital gains tax (CGT) | Australian Taxation Office (

From 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025 | Australian Taxation Office (

vi ATO warning to rental property owners: don’t let your tax return be a ‘fixer-upper’ | Australian Taxation Office

vii Cancelling your GST registration | Australian Taxation Office (

Rental investor? How to get your tax return right

With Treasury estimating the government misses out on billions in potential tax revenue from rental property deductions and the ATO recently warning extra care is needed when lodging returns with this type of income, rental investors can consider themselves well and truly in the tax man’s sights.

In fact, the ATO’s Random Enquiry Program (REP) showed 9 out of 10 returns reporting net rental income needed adjustment, leading ATO second commissioner Jeremy Hirschhorn to note: “This is startling and clearly something we need to address”.

So, if you’re a rental property investor, it’s time to ensure you’re getting your deductions right.

Deductions under the microscope

Rental property investors can claim a wide range of deductions for expenses associated with maintaining and financing their property interests. These include interest expenses, capital works and other deductions required to maintain the property.

It’s clear from the REP, however, many rental property investors need to learn a little more about what is deductible and also when they can claim a deduction for the amount.

Although some expenses can be claimed immediately (such as management fees and council rates), other expenses (such as borrowing costs and capital works) must be claimed over a number of years.

Red flags for the ATO

Common mistakes rental property investors are making include failing to include rental income for short-term arrangements and insurance payouts, overclaiming deductions, and claiming for improvements to private properties.

Rental income must be the gross amount received and must be reported in the same financial year the tenant pays.

Another common mistake is claiming an immediate deduction for initial repairs when purchasing. Existing damage must be claimed over several years as a capital works deduction and is also used to work out your capital gain or loss on selling.

Improvements such as renovating a bathroom, are a building cost and must be claimed at 2.5 per cent annually over 40 years from completion, while damaged detachable items costing more than $300 should be claimed as a depreciating asset.

Tips to get your tax return right

When completing your return, it’s essential to apportion both your rental income and deductions in line with your ownership share of the property.

If there is a mortgage over the property and the loan is also used for private purposes (such as a buying a new car or taking a holiday), your interest expenses must be apportioned. This needs to continue for the duration of the loan, even if you repay the personal expense.

Deductions also need to be split to reflect any private use. This also applies if you only use part of the property to earn rent.

Ensure your deductions are in order

Borrowing expenses (such as loan establishment fees and title searches costing over $100) must be deducted over five years. In the first year, these expenses should be apportioned for the number of days of ownership.

Purchase costs (such as conveyancing fees and stamp duty outside the ACT) cannot be claimed but form part of your capital gains tax (CGT) calculations.

Ask the previous owner for details of any capital works deductions claimed so you can correctly calculate your own deductions. Alternatively, hire a qualified professional to estimate previous construction costs.

Although payments to a body corporate administration fund are fully deductible in the year incurred, payments to a special purpose fund for capital improvements or repairs are not immediately deductible.

Don’t forget CGT

It sounds obvious, but it’s essential to have evidence of all your rental income and expenses when lodging a claim. This needs to be retained while you own the property and for five years after selling.

Another tip is to ensure you calculate your capital gain (or loss) correctly when selling.

You are not permitted to include amounts already claimed as a deduction, including depreciation and capital works.

Capital gains must be included in your tax return for the income year the property is sold, while capital losses can be carried forward.

Please don’t hesitate to call if you have any questions regarding the preparation of documentation for your next tax return.

Preparing your SMSF for the future

What happens to a self managed super fund (SMSF) when a trustee dies or becomes mentally impaired? While these are circumstances that many of us would rather not think about, some time spent planning now could make a big difference to you and your family later.

Australia’s 620,000 SMSFs hold an estimated $933 billion in assets, so there is a lot at stake.i

But it’s not just about money – control of the SMSF may also be crucial.

The best way to ensure that your wishes are carried out is with a properly documented succession plan and an up-to-date trust deed.

An SMSF succession plan sets out what will happen if you or another trustee dies or loses mental capacity. It makes sure that there’s a smooth transition and is quite separate to your Will.

It’s important to be aware that instructions in a Will are not binding on SMSF trustees, so it’s essential to have a valid (preferably non-lapsing) binding death benefit nomination in place so the new trustees are required to pay your death benefit to your nominated beneficiary.

Your Will cannot determine who takes control of your SMSF or who receives your super death benefit as the fund’s trust deed and super law take precedence.ii

Succession plans also reduce the potential for the fund to become non-compliant due to overlooked reporting or compliance obligations. They can even provide opportunities for death benefits to be paid tax effectively.iii

Selecting successor trustees

Super law requires SMSFs with an individual trustee structure to have a minimum of two trustees, so it’s important to consider what will happen after the death or mental incapacity of one of the trustees.

An alternative to appointing a successor trustee can be introducing a sole purpose corporate trustee structure for your SMSF, as death or incapacity is then not an issue. This structure makes it easy to keep the SMSF functioning and fully compliant when a trustee transition is required.iv

Appoint a power of attorney

Good SMSF succession planning also means ensuring your Will is updated to reflect your current family or personal circumstances.

It requires having a valid Enduring Power of Attorney (EPOA) in place to help keep the SMSF operating smoothly if you lose mental capacity. Your EPOA can step in as fund trustee and take over administration of the fund or make necessary decisions about the fund’s investment assets.

Checking compliance

When developing a succession plan, ensure your wishes comply with all the requirements of the SIS Act and will not inadvertently compromise your SMSF’s compliance status.

Your planning process should include a regular review of both the fund’s trust deed and any changes in both the SMSF’s circumstances and membership, and the super legislation and regulations.

Tax is an important consideration when it comes to estate and succession planning as the super and tax laws use different definitions for who is and isn’t considered a dependant.

Your SMSF is able to pay super death benefits to both your dependants and non-‑dependants, but the subsequent tax bills vary based on the beneficiary’s dependency status under tax law.

The problems that can occur, due to the differences between super and tax law dependency definitions, were highlighted in recent private advice (1052187560814) provided by the ATO. It found that even if a beneficiary was receiving “a reasonable degree of financial support” from a deceased person just before they died, they would not necessarily be considered a death benefit dependant under tax law.

There is also the potential for capital gains tax to be payable if fund assets need to be sold because your super pension ceases when you die. Nominating a reversionary beneficiary for your pension ensures payments continue automatically without requiring any asset sales.v

If you would like to discuss or require assistance with drawing up your SMSF succession plan, give our office a call today.

To sell or not to sell is the question for moving into aged care

Moving into residential aged care can trigger a range of emotions, particularly if it involves the sale of the family home.

What is often a major financial asset, is also one that many people believe should be either kept in the family or its value preserved for future generations.

Whether or not the home has to be sold to pay for aged care depends on a number of factors, including who is living in it and what other financial resources or options are available to cover the potential cost of care.

It also makes a difference if the person moving into care receives Centrelink or Department of Veterans Affairs payments.

Cost of care

Centrelink determines the cost of aged care based on a person’s income and assets.i

For aged care cost purposes, the home is exempt from the cost of care calculation if a “protected person” is living in it when you move into care.

A protected person could be a spouse (including de facto); a dependent child or student; a close relative who has lived with the aged care resident for at least five years and who is entitled to Centrelink income support; or a residential carer who has lived with the aged care resident for at least two years and is eligible for Centrelink income support.ii

Capped home value

If the home is not exempt, the value of the home is capped at the current indexed rate of $201,231.iii

If you have assets above $201,231 – outside of the family home – then Centrelink would determine you pay the advertised Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD) or equivalent daily interest rate known as the Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP), or a combination of both.

The average RAD is about $450,000. Based on the current interest rate of 8.36% [note – this is the rate from July 1] the equivalent DAP would be $103.07 a day.

Depending on your total income and assets, you may also be required to pay a daily means tested care fee. This fee has an indexed annual cap of $33,309 and lifetime cap of $79,942.

This is in addition to the basic daily fee of $61.96 and potentially an additional or extra service fee.

There is no requirement to sell the home to pay these potentially substantial costs, but if it is a major asset that is going to be left empty, it may make sense.

Other options to cover the costs may include using income or assets such as superannuation, renting the home (although this pushes up the means tested care fee and can reduce the age pension) or asking family to cover the costs.

Centrelink rules

For someone receiving Centrelink or DVA benefits, there is an important two-year rule.

The home is exempt for pension purposes if occupied by a spouse, otherwise it is exempt for up to two years or until sold.

If you are the last person living in the house and you move into aged care and still have your home after two years, its full value will be counted towards the age pension calculation. It can mean the loss of the pension.

Importantly, money paid towards the RAD, including the proceeds from a house, is exempt for age pension purposes.

Refundable Deposit

As the name suggests, the RAD is fully refundable when a person leaves aged care. If a house is sold to pay a RAD, then the full amount will ultimately be paid to the estate and distributed according to the person’s Will.

The decisions around whether to sell a home to pay for aged care are financial and emotional.

It’s important to understand all the implications before you make a decision.

Please call us to explore your options.

Steer clear of these red flags on your return

The Australian Taxation Office has provided a heads-up about the areas it will be focussing on when reviewing tax returns this year.

The ATO says there are three common errors made by taxpayers:

  • Incorrectly claiming work-related expenses
  • Inflating claims for rental properties
  • Failing to include all income

ATO Assistant Commissioner Rob Thomson says while the mistakes are often genuine, sometimes they are deliberate. “The ATO is focussed on supporting taxpayers to get their lodgement right the first time,” he says.

The ATO has also warned that its more lenient pandemic-era approach is over, and that debt collection and unpaid superannuation guarantee charges will be actively pursued.i

Check work-related expense claims

More than eight million people claimed work-related expenses last financial year, but the ATO says taxpayers are still claiming expenses they did not pay for themselves, or for which they have already been reimbursed.

If you claim expenses with no connection to your work, or those covered by a work allowance, your return is likely to face extra scrutiny. It’s also essential to have a record (usually a receipt) to prove the expense.

For those working from home, the ATO has made some changes to the fixed rate of calculating a working from home deduction to broaden what is included, increase the rate, and change the type of records you need to keep.

You now need comprehensive records to substantiate your claim including proof of the actual number of hours worked from home in a calendar, diary, or spreadsheet. You’ll also need proof of the extra running costs you have incurred such as a copy of your electricity or internet bill.ii

The ATO says that copying and pasting your working from home claim from last year may be tempting, but it will likely mean you’ll receive a ‘please explain’.

Another way to attract the ATO’s attention is to suddenly claim a large expense you haven’t claimed in previous years, or to claim a deduction unlike those made by other taxpayers in the same industry.

Take care with rental property deductions

Rental property owners are also coming under the ATO’s watchful eye after data showing that some 90 per cent of rental property owners make mistakes on their tax returns, most often by inflating expenses.

The ATO says that claims for repairs and maintenance are often incorrect. While general repairs and maintenance expenses can be claimed as immediate deductions, capital expenses (such as initial repairs on a newly purchased property or improvements) must be deducted over time as capital works.

An immediate general repair deduction might be the replacement cost for a damaged carpet or broken window. But replacing an old kitchen with a new and improved one is considered a capital improvement.iii

Include all income when lodging

Taxpayers who don’t include all of the income they receive in their returns are also under the microscope.

Failing to declare income (including rental income and any from online platforms like Airbnb, Uber or AirTasker) can result in significant penalties, with the ATO’s data-matching program making it easier to get caught.iv

The ATO is also warning taxpayers against rushing to lodge returns in early July because their interest information may not be available. Many taxpayers are forgetting to include interest from banks, dividend income and payments from government agencies and private health insurers when completing their returns.

Taxpayers are being urged to wait until the end of July before lodging to ensure their income information is pre-filled, making the return process smoother. According to the ATO, lodging in early July doubles the chances of having your tax return flagged as incorrect.

Checking your employer has marked your income statement as ‘tax ready’ and that your myTax information is pre-filled will avoid later amendments and unnecessary delays. Failing to lodge your return on time can also trigger an ATO audit, as can making mistakes in your return.

If you need help with preparation of your income tax return this financial year, contact our office today.

Market movements and review video – July 2024

Stay up to date with what’s happened in markets and the Australian economy over the past month.

Despite some signs of a weakening economy with stalling growth and a softening labour market, persistently high inflation is acting as a roadblock to the RBA’s possible rate cuts.

Markets have now priced in a risk that the RBA could hike rates as soon as the next meeting in August.

Australian shares finished the month close to where they started, with investor sentiment influenced by news of higher inflation and fears of another interest rate hike.

Click the video below to view our update.

Please get in touch if you’d like assistance with your personal financial situation.

Market movements and review video – July 2024

Stay up to date with what’s happened in markets and the Australian economy over the past month.

Despite some signs of a weakening economy with stalling growth and a softening labour market, persistently high inflation is acting as a roadblock to the RBA’s possible rate cuts.

Markets have now priced in a risk that the RBA could hike rates as soon as the next meeting in August.

Australian shares finished the month close to where they started, with investor sentiment influenced by news of higher inflation and fears of another interest rate hike.

Click the video below to view our update.

Please get in touch if you’d like assistance with your personal financial situation.

How to end the financial year on a high note

As the financial year draws to a close, it’s the perfect time to review your financial affairs and set the stage for a successful new financial year. By taking care of essential tasks and implementing strategic planning, you can position yourself for a smooth transition and a strong start for the year to come.

Topping up super

One important item for the To Do list is to top up your super with either concessional (pre-tax) or non-concessional (post-tax) contributions. For example, you could make a voluntary concessional contribution up to the limit allowed and then claim a tax deduction on your personal assessable income for it.

Consider making additional contributions to your own super account or your spouse’s account, to take advantage of tax concessions.

If you have unused concessional cap amounts from the previous five years and a super balance less than $500,000 on June 30 the previous year, you may be eligible to make a catch-up (or carry-forward) contribution greater than the annual limit.

Maximising contributions not only helps you build your retirement savings but can also provide valuable tax benefits. But it’s critical to be mindful of your caps and to ensure that you make any super contributions before the end of the financial year to meet the deadline.

Reviewing investments

Reviewing your investment portfolio is a valuable task at any time but particularly now.

For example, you could take a look for any capital gains or losses that could be used strategically to manage your tax liability.

Also, it is worth considering how your portfolio performed over the past 12 months against your goal of capital growth, income, or balance.

You may decide to readjust your goals or your investments to help steer performance in the right direction for the next 12 months.

Of course, if you’re planning any changes, it’s important to check in with us to ensure you’re making informed decisions about your investments.

Paying expenses early

Another useful strategy at tax time can be to bring forward any deductible expenses or interest payments before 30 June to reduce your taxable income.

That could include incurring expenses on an investment property, prepaying interest on investment loans, making charitable donations, or claiming eligible work-related expenses.

Make sure you keep detailed records and receipts to support your deductions.

The ATO’s myDeductions app is a great place to start for free record keeping and to assist you to be ready for tax time.

Setting up salary sacrifice

As you look ahead to the new financial year, consider whether a salary sacrifice arrangement might be right for you.

Salary sacrifice allows you to divert a portion of your pre-tax salary directly into your superannuation, which effectively reduces your taxable income and boosts your retirement savings.

You will need to think carefully about your living expenses to work out the amount you can afford to contribute to your super, ensuring you do not exceed your concessional (before-tax) contributions cap of $27,500 (which will increase to $30,000 from July 1 2024) to avoid paying any extra tax.

Your employer or payroll department can help you set up a salary sacrifice arrangement.

Checking your budget

This is a good time to revisit your financial goals and how you’re tracking, and then put together a strong budget for the new financial year that will help get you further along the track.

Take the time to review your income and expenses and identify any areas where you can cut back spending or improve your income.

This exercise not only helps you understand your financial habits but also allows you to reallocate funds towards your goals, such as paying down debt, building an emergency fund, or increasing your investment contributions.

Consult with professionals

Don’t forget to check in with your trusted advisers – financial advisers, accountants, or tax professionals – to make sure you are making the most of any opportunities for financial growth and maximising tax savings.

Taking advantage of our expert advice to review your current financial situation and goals, and check that you are making the best decisions for you can make a difference. It provides peace of mind, ensures that you are complying with any obligations and, importantly, puts you in the best position to achieve your financial goals.